Jakarta, Every person has their taste for music, there are who like dangdut, pop, rock, jazz or other. But did you know that the human brain can predict what song will be popular?
A new study from Emory University showed that certain patterns of brain activity may be able to predict the popularity of music.
"More importantly, brain research can help predict how the notion of cultural influence," Gregory Berns, the leader of the study, as reported by CNN on Monday (6/13/2011).
Berns and his colleagues discovered the phenomenon by accident. Initially the research team will study the effects of popular opinion on teen preferences by using 120 songs from unknown artists on MySpace and assured the participants had never listened to the song before.
Researchers conducted an experiment in 2006 with 27 participants aged 12 to 17 years and using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to record brain responses of each song.
Most of the songs do not sell well. However, in some cases, several songs became popular after like the song Apologize from One Republic.
Response data comparing the brain to the sale of songs during the 2007-2010 period, researchers found a correlation between certain brain responses and the songs that will be sold over 20,000 units.
About a third of the songs that sold a lot of interesting strong activity of two brain regions associated with reward. While the low activity in the brain is associated with about 90 percent of song sales of less than 20,000 units.
Important brain regions identified in this study called the orbitofrontal cortex and ventral striatum, which has been shown previously to active when a person anticipates something he likes, such as to money, music, wine and other items that many people enjoy.
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